[最も共有された! √] こづめけんま 224684-小爪研磨
Kenma Kozume (Japanese 孤爪 (こづめ) 研磨 (けんま) , Kozume Kenma) was previously a second year student from Nekoma High He was the volleyball team's setter and was referred to as the "heart" and "brain" of the team by his teammates As of 18, he is a university student and seems to hold variousTrending A list of the currently mostvisited anime detail pages on aniSearch;孤爪 研磨(こづめ けんま) 烏野・因縁の宿敵、音駒高校の正セッター。内向的な性格ながら、幼馴染の黒尾を始めチームメイト達は孤爪のセッターとしての実力を認めていて、チーム内ではまずまずの人付き合いが出来ているようである。 孤爪研磨 ハイキュー の徹底解説 考察まとめ 7 8 Renote リノート 小爪研磨